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Initiate login with implicit flow using code client. Return values of the composable can be used to trigger the login flow and determine the readiness of the client. It also provides callbacks such as onSuccess and onError that can be used to obtain the results from the login client.


<script setup lang="ts">
import {
  type ImplicitFlowSuccessResponse,
  type ImplicitFlowErrorResponse,
} from "vue3-google-signin";

const handleOnSuccess = async (response: ImplicitFlowSuccessResponse) => {
  // send code to a backend server to verify it.
  console.log("Code: ", response.code);

  // use axios or something to reach backend server
  const result = await fetch("https://YOUR_BACKEND/code/verify", {
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify({
      code: response.code,

const handleOnError = (errorResponse: ImplicitFlowErrorResponse) => {
  console.log("Error: ", errorResponse);

const { isReady, login } = useCodeClient({
  onSuccess: handleOnSuccess,
  onError: handleOnError,
  // other options

  <button :disabled="!isReady" @click="() => login()">Login with Google</button>


 * Options for Implicit flow
 * @export
 * @interface ImplicitFlowOptions
 * @extends {(Omit<CodeClientConfig, "client_id" | "scope" | "callback">)}
export interface ImplicitFlowOptions
  extends Omit<CodeClientConfig, "client_id" | "scope" | "callback"> {
   * On success callback
   * @memberof ImplicitFlowOptions
  onSuccess?: (response: ImplicitFlowSuccessResponse) => void;

   * On error callback
   * @memberof ImplicitFlowOptions
  onError?: (errorResponse: ImplicitFlowErrorResponse) => void;

   * Authorization scopes
   * @type {(MaybeRef<string> | MaybeRef<string[]>)}
   * @see
   * @memberof ImplicitFlowOptions
  scope?: MaybeRef<string> | MaybeRef<string[]>;


export interface UseCodeClientReturn {
   * Is script is ready to be used?
   * @type {Readonly<Ref<boolean>>}
   * @memberof UseCodeClientReturn
  isReady: Readonly<Ref<boolean>>;

   * Execute login with code client
   * @memberof UseCodeClientReturn
  login: () => void | undefined;

   * Get a URL to perform code request without actually redirecting user.
   * This is useful for platforms like _Electron/Tauri_ for redirecting user with system browser
   * @type {Readonly<ComputedRef<string>>}
   * @memberof UseCodeClientReturn
  codeRequestRedirectUrl: Readonly<Ref<string | null>>;

Released under the MIT License.